Detailed Description of Materials

Ronald Hubbard, best known to the world as the Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, is universally acclaimed as the single most influential author and humanitarian of this modern age. His definitive works on the mind and spirit — comprising over 200 million copies in circulation and more than 40 international bestsellers — have resulted in a legacy benefiting millions and a movement spanning all cultures.
The materials of Dianetics and Scientology comprise the largest body of information ever assembled on the mind, spirit and life, rigorously refined and codified by L. Ron Hubbard through five decades of research, investigation and development. The results of that work are contained in hundreds of books and more than 3,000 recorded lectures. A full listing and description of them all can be obtained from any Scientology Publications Organization.
Dianetics is a forerunner and substudy of Scientology. On the following pages are the recommended books for beginners. They appear in the sequence Ron wrote them
The First Breakthroughs Unlocking the Secrets of the Mind
The Original Thesis is L. Ron Hubbard’s first description of Dianetics. Originally circulated in manuscript form to a few friends, it was soon copied and passed hand-to-hand until it literally circled the globe. But the resultant word of mouth only fueled the fire. With thousands of letters requesting more information, Ron concluded the only way to answer all inquiries was with a book. That book was Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, now the all-time bestseller on the mind. Find out what started it all. For here are the bedrock discoveries and equations of Dianetics, including:
  • The Primary Axioms of Dianetics — axioms upon which the entire subject is built
  • The discovery of the Dynamic Principle of Existence that drives all life forms — SURVIVE!
  • The Four Dynamics by which life is compartmented and which determine one’s survival.
  • The discovery and anatomy of the Reactive Mind * Engrams, the single source of all irrational behavior.
  • The powerful command in every engram which prevented their discovery and handling before Dianetics.
  • The Analytical Mind, its function and operation.
  • The first description of the state of Clear, its attributes and potentials.
  • And, most important, the Laws of Returning — containing the explanation of both how and why auditing works.
Here, then, are the fundamental breakthroughs Ron used to make the first Clears — breakthroughs which made possible the development of technology for use by every individual to begin the clearing of a planet, breakthroughs only contained in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.

The Hidden Source of your Worries, Upsets and Insecurity... Revealed.Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science is L. Ron Hubbard’s own story revealing how he arrived at his discovery of the Reactive Mind that underlies and enslaves Man.
ritten to coincide with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Evolution of a Science was originally published as a book-length feature in a national magazine. The issue sold out within days, triggering thousands of letters and creating a storm of interest that grew into a worldwide phenomenon. Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science contains the only account of:

  • How the optimum computing machine — the mind — works
  • How Ron discovered Basic Personality
  • How the Dynamic Principle of Existence — SURVIVE! — was first isolated
  • How wrong answers enter into the mind and are held down, giving further wrong answers
  • How there seem to be "Demons" of the mind
  • How the engram was discovered
  • How Dianetics techniques were developed
That’s why Evolution of a Science is the story of the greatest adventure of all — the exploration that discovered the Reactive Mind and the technology to conquer it. He wrote it so you would know.

Blow Away the Barriers to Happiness with this Explosive Bestseller.
Containing discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than 50 years. And with over 20 million copies in print, generating a movement that spans virtually every country on Earth, it’s indisputably the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind. Here is the anatomy and full description of the Reactive Mind, the previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities which enslave Man. This book shows you how to get rid of it, and so achieve something Man has previously only dreamed of: the State of Clear. Among the discoveries herein:

  • The Goal of Man
  • The Dynamic Principle of Existence — the one word that motivates all living things
  • The Four Dynamics — the drives upon which all of life is compartmented
  • The Descriptic Graph of Survival &mdashl revealing one’s true potential and how to achieve it
  • The discovery of and complete anatomy of the Reactive Mind
  • The painful experiences — engrams — contained in the Reactive Mind which command one to act irrationally against their own wishes and goals
  • The impact of prenatal engrams — what took place before you were born and how it’s influenced you ever since
Dianetics enables you to discover and eradicate these harmful experiences so they never affect you again, revealing the one person you’ve always wanted to know — you

Do you really know yourself?

ow you can, with Self Analysis. This book will take you through your past, your potentials, your life. First, with a series of self-examinations and using a special version of the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, you plot yourself on the Tone Scale. Then, applying a series of light, yet powerful processes, you embark on the great adventure of self-discovery. This book further contains embracive Dianetic principles that answer the questions you’ve had, but never knew where to ask:

  • The laws of survival and abundance
  • The most embracive description of consciousness
  • Essays describing a broad array of Dianetic discoveries including time, remembering, forgetting, imagination, valences and special auditing lists for each
  • And, beyond all those revelations, self-processing lists that provide the most powerful of auditing and which can be done anywhere and at any time — uncovering the real world of you
The barriers of life are really just shadows. Learn to know yourself, not just a shadow of yourself. Self Analysis shows you how.

Whos Life are You Living?
Handbook for Preclears is the legendary self-processing manual that marks the transition from the subject of Dianetics to Scientology. Here are the breakthroughs that revealed the phenomenon of the LIFE CONTINUUM — a mechanism by which every individual takes on the disabilities of the deceased or departed, until they are no longer living their own life. Here, then, are the answers to getting rid of all those parts of "you" that aren’t really YOU. The book includes:

  • Expansive essays providing the most complete description of The Ideal State of Man
  • The Human Mind, how it operates and its underlying purpose
  • The Control Center, the "awareness of awareness" unit of the mind, and how it is CAUSE of the body and environment
  • The Fifteen Acts of self-processing that move an individual from EFFECT to CAUSE — processe; so powerful that this book is now known as the book of miracles
This workbook edition of Handbook for Preclears has been specifically designed for ease of use in processing, with space provided to answer processing questions and resulting in a permanent and complete record of one’s own case for use in future processing. In self-processing, Handbook for Preclears is used in conjunction with Self Analysis.

After 50.000 Years the Answers you've Been Searching for...

For thousands of years Man has searched, pondered and speculated about the true "meaning of life." But, in Scientology, that search has culminated — for the secret has now been discovered. Based on precision Axioms (self-evident truths), these are the answers — answers you’ve been looking for, answers that work.
Here, then, is the Basic Book on the Theory and Practice of Scientology, with discoveries embracing every aspect of life, including:

  • The Cycle-of-Action, revealing what underlies the continuous cycle of creation, survival and destruction — a cycle that seems inevitable in life, but which is only an apparency
  • The Conditions-of-Existence that comprise all life and livingness — and by which one can truly Be
  • The Eight Dynamics upon which all life is compartmented and by which one can resolve the puzzle of their own existence
  • The Affinity, Reality and Communication Triangle, revealing and explaining the underlying principles of true human relations
  • The Parts of Man, the comprehensive explanation of Spirit, Mind and Body, their anatomy and interrelationship in every being
  • The Reason Why, answering the questions of "what it’s all about" and giving the very elements of survival, happiness and life itself
  • Scientology Processes that unlock the life force that is you
And, with this book, you won’t just "learn" — you’ll discover these principles for yourself. Because this is Scientology — the knowledge of you.

Bring Order and Understanding to Life's Confusions

Life is composed of seven-tenths work, one-tenth familial, one-tenth political and one-tenth relaxation. Here, then, is Scientology applied to that crucial seven-tenths of existence.
The Problems of Work contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bare the core of these problems and explain the very fabric of life itself.
The breakthroughs detailed here include:

  • The Anatomy of Confusion — and its cure
  • The Doctrine of the Stable Datum — the most fundamental law of work, and living
  • The Anatomy of Control — and how to turn "bad control" to good
  • The Anatomy of Life as a Game — and the rules by which it is played
  • The "Secret" of Efficiency
  • The most fundamental elements of life — Affinity, Reality and Communication
  • And the rock bottom cause of Exhaustion, with the powerful Scientology processes that return the energy of youth
Here, then, is not only technology to bring stability to the workplace, but the magic processes to return joy itself to all of life. For this is Scientology.

Who are you Anyway? Where do you Come From? What Will Happen to you?

The materials of Scientology comprise the greatest accumulation of knowledge ever assembled on the mind, spirit and life. Through more than a hundred books and publications, thousands more articles and essays, and over 3,000 recorded lectures, the works of L. Ron Hubbard embrace virtually every aspect of living.
Here, then, is Scientology: A New Slant on Life, containing a timeless selection of Ron’s discoveries drawn from the full wealth of his writings and each one presenting a broad, yet comprehensive overview of Scientology applied to a specific aspect of existence — and, in combination, providing the panoramic overview of life itself.
Here are the answers to questions Man has sought through the ages; here are practical answers you hoped could be found somewhere; here are answers that work.

  • Is It Possible to Be Happy?
  • Personal Integrity
  • Man’s Search for His Soul
  • On Our Efforts for Immortality
  • The Eight Dynamics that comprise life itself
  • The Affinity, Reality and Communication Triangle providing the components for interpersonal relationships
  • Marriage
  • How to Live with Children
  • What Is Greatness?
  • The Two Rules for Happy Living
  • Anti-Social and Social Personalities
  • The Third Party Law revealing the cause of conflict
  • Honesty and Ethics
  • My Philosophy, Ron’s personal statement on what motivated his life’s work and the quest for Scientology
Here, then, are essentials for living, real solutions that work in the here and now, truths to consult again and again.

The Way to Happiness. A Common Sense Guide to Better Living

True joy and happiness are valuable.
If one does not survive, no joy and no happiness are obtainable.
Trying to survive in a chaotic, dishonest and generally immoral society is difficult.
Any individual or group seeks to obtain from life what pleasure and freedom from pain that they can.
Your own survival can be threatened by the bad actions of others around you.
Your own happiness can be turned to tragedy and sorrow by the dishonesty and misconduct of others.
I am sure you can think of instances of this actually happening.
Such wrongs reduce one’s survival and impair one’s happiness.
You are important to other people. You are listened to. You can influence others.
The happiness or unhappiness of others you could name is important to you.
Without too much trouble, using this book, you can help them survive and lead happier lives.
While no one can guarantee that anyone else can be happy, their chances of survival and happiness can be improved.
And with theirs, yours will be.
It is in your power to point the way to a less dangerous and happier life.

Ask for more information HERE.