Brief Description of Materials

Dianetics: The Original Thesis:
Book: 304 Pages
Audiobook: 3 CDs
"It is a purpose of Dianetics to pass man across the abyss of irrational, solely reactive thought and enter him upon a new stage of constructive progression to the ultimate goal."
Ask for more information HERE.

Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science:
Book: 224 Pages
Audiobook: 2 CDs
"The best computer machine is an issue that many of us have studied.
Perhaps, the principle is somewhat surprising to devise a computer as well. But the fact is that this machine exists. We are using today billions of them, and have been made and used many, many billions more in the past.

In fact, you have one. Well, we refer to the human mind."

Ask for more information HERE.

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health:
Book: 704 Pages
Audiobook: 16 CDs
"Dianetics is an adventure. It is an exploration into Terra Incognita, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads."
Ask for more information HERE.

Self Analysis:
Work Book: 384 Pages
"Self Analysis will conduct you on the most interesting adventure in your life. The adventure of you.
How efficient are you? What are your potentials? How much can you improve? Well, basically your intentions toward yourself and your fellow man are good. Basically, if sometimes clouded over with the not-so-pale cast of bad experience, your potentialities are a great deal better than anyone ever permitted you to believe."

Ask for more information HERE.

Handbook for Preclears:
Work Book: 432 Pages
"Actually you are a giant tied down with cotton lint.
You tied the knots and furnished the string and said where you’d lie.
The only trouble you might have in processing is refusing — for some strange but discoverable reason, having to do with concern for others — to burst these list strands and stand up.
Fortunately this volume offers more than such inspiration. But the cold, basic truth is that you are a vital and necessary part of this world and anything that is wrong with you, you have assumed in an effort to be what has passed for ‘human."

Ask for more information HERE.

Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought:
Book: 256 Pages
Audiobook: 3 CDs
"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."
Ask for more information HERE.

The Problems of Work:
Book: 208 Pages
Audiobook: 3 CDs
"A workman is not just a workman. A laborer is not just a laborer. An office worker is not just an officer worker. They are living, breathing, important pillars on which the entire structure of our civilization is erected. They are not cogs in a mighty machine. They are the machine itself."
Ask for more information HERE.

Scientology: A New Slant on Life:
Book: 384 Pages
Audiobook: 5 CDs
"What are your goals? Where are you going? Why are you here? Who are you?
Scientology has answers to these questions, good answers that are true, answers that work for you.
For the subject matter of Scientology is you."

Ask for more information HERE.

The Way to Happiness:
Book: 256 Pages
Audiobook: 2 CDs
"One can feel at times like a spinning leaf blown along a dirty street, one can feel like a grain of sand stuck in one place.
But nobody has said that life was a calm and orderly thing: it isn’t.
One isn’t a tattered leaf nor a grain of sand: one can, to a greater or lesser degree draw his road map and follow it."

Ask for more information HERE.
